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CEQA Notice of Exemption - Building Monterey Bay's First Hybrid-Electric Whale Watching Vessel Project

Monterey Bay Eco Tours (MBET) and project partners, utilizing California Climate Investments (CCI) and California Air Resources Board (CARB) funds, propose to build the first hybrid-electric whale-watching boat for operation out of Moss Landing Harbor.  The proposed vessel will be custom-built by Left Coast Composites (LCC) and Coast Guard certified to carry 49 passengers for year-round whale watching excursions. This 57-foot-long catamaran will have electric inboard motors with emergency backup diesel-powered generators to meet Coast Guard safety requirements. The project will include renewable energy sources by including rooftop solar panels to trickle charge the batteries. The Advanced Technology and Demonstration Pilot Project program is intended to strategically accelerate the advancement of innovative and economically viable technologies into the commercial marketplace while also supporting the State's equity and emission reduction goals. The program helps to achieve these goals by funding projects that help guide development by encouraging the economic and environmental benefits of the projects. 

Notice of Exemption -  Monterey Bay Eco Tours
Document titled "Notice of Exemption" discussing Monterey Bay's first hybrid-electric whale watching vessel project.