San Lorenzo Valley - Spare the Air

Click HERE to download the 2024-2025 MBARD Spare the Air Press Release
Haga clic AQUÍ para descargar el comunicado de prensa Spare the Air de MBARD 2024-2025
To reduce wintertime wood smoke in the San Lorenzo Valley, MBARD started a Spare the Air program to notify the community of days when wood burning is discouraged due to poor air quality conditions. During a Spare the Air alert, residents are asked to choose an alternative heating source such as natural gas, propane, electricity, or wood pellets. Spare the Air alerts are issued during the colder months, between November and April each year.
Do your part on Spare the Air days: Choose an alternative home heating source on Spare the Air days and spread the word to your friends and neighbors about the call to action.

Clean Wood Burning
Efficient and clean wood burning reduces smoke and harmful health impacts.
Learn five tips for an efficient fire by watching the video below.
Burning wet wood is a waste, learn why by watching the video below.
If you choose to burn wood, please remember:
- Begin with a hot fire
- Only burn dry, seasoned wood
- Don’t use big pieces of wood, split the logs
- Don’t let the fire smolder, give it enough air