Prescribed Burning FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions

What is prescribed burning?
Prescribed burning is the planned application and confinement of fire to wildland fuels on private or public land selected in advance of the application to achieve any of the following objectives:
- Reduce hazardous fuels
- Reduce threats to communities from extreme fires
- Watershed and vegetation management
- Range and forest improvement to minimize the spread of pest insects and disease
- Wildlife habitat improvement with fire recycling nutrients back into the soil to improve natural conditions for flora and fauna
- Air quality maintenance
Why does MBARD allow any burning?
Prescribed burning is not prohibited by California Air Districts or the California Air Resource Board pursuant to the California Health and Safety Code, Title 17 California Code of Regulations Subchapter 2, and Air District rules.
Prescribed burning takes place after careful planning. To minimize smoke impacts and protect public health, burners and MBARD staff work together so prescribed burning is done under favorable atmospheric conditions. Prescribed burning can be conducted by a public agency (such as CAL FIRE, California State Parks or the United States Forestry Service) or through a cooperative agreement or contract involving a public agency for fire reduction and wildland improvement management, and must have a permit issued by MBARD.
What is MBARD’s role for prescribed burning?
California Air Districts, including MBARD, reasonably regulate prescribed burning. MBARD only allows prescribed burning to be conducted on permissive burn days, unless special circumstances are presented, such as for training purposes.
A smoke management permit (SMP) must be submitted and approved by MBARD at least 30 days before ignition for prescribed burns over 10 acres or emit more than one ton of particulate matter.
During the SMP review process prior to ignition, MBARD communicates with the SMP burn manager about prescription details such as weather conditions, type and amount of fuels, distances from populated or smoke sensitive areas, expected duration of burn, and reducing smoke impacts.
Instead of burning, why don’t they masticate material or use goats to clear vegetation?
Land managers often use alternative methods instead of burning vegetation. Certain conditions prohibit use of heavy equipment or goats, such as steep terrain, heavy fuels (like downed trees), or sensitive habitat like streams or those with endangered species. Sometimes a Land Manager’s goal is to restore fire-adapted vegetation, requiring fire.
What is AQI and how can I look up air quality?
AQI (Air Quality Index) describes the health concern if exposed to smoke at certain levels for 24 hours.
- Go to Air Quality Index Basics for a description of AQI.
- Go to MBARD’s Current Air Quality and Forecast page.
- Another good source of information is the EPA’s Fire and Smoke Map.
- Be aware of misleading models or websites which do not display AQI accurately. Use trusted sites as indicated above,
What can I do to prevent or clear indoor smoke?
Its most effective to begin smoke-proofing your home from the outside and then moving indoors. Recommendations to prevent smoke from entering your home include shutting doors and windows and setting your ventilation system to “recirculate” (instead of “fresh air”). If you have a fireplace, you can stop using it, close the damper and block the vents. Another recommendation is to clear the indoor air in your home with an air cleaner. Make sure the air cleaner you purchase does not create ozone, which is a pollutant! Here’s a Comprehensive Guide to Air Cleaners or you can make your own DIY Air Cleaner. Are you handy? Here is a Comprehensive How-To toward protecting structures from smoke during wildfire events.
How can I find out when and where there will be prescribed burning?
Check MBARD's Active Prescribed Burns webpage. Prescribed burns are usually conducted in Spring and Fall. The Smoke Spotter app is an interactive tool showing controlled burns, wildfires and air quality in real time.
Also see the California Prescribed Fire Information Report System (PFIRS) website. You can select Start Date and End Date to find information on controlled burns that are in progress or planned a few days in advance.
Here is a map of current prescribed burns throughout California.